Warning: include(/homez.367/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-base.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 65

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '/homez.367/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-base.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 65

Warning: include_once(/homez.367/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/ossdl-cdn.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 82

Warning: include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening '/homez.367/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/ossdl-cdn.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/salonkon/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache.php on line 82
Salon Konfidentiel | Contact Salon Konfidentiel | Contact


Horaires d’ouverture : Du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 19h
Exclusivement sur RDV

Coiffure et extension de cheveux : 01 42 61 05 35
Esthétique et Beauté : 09 54 90 78 31

Formulaire de contact

Contact Info

Salon Konfidentiel - Saint Honoré Coiffure & Extension : 01 42 61 05 35
Esthétique & Beauté : 09 54 90 78 31
267 rue Saint-Honoré, Paris 1ère porte sur cour, au 2ème étage

Salon Konfidentiel - Marbeuf
29 rue Marbeuf 75008
Téléphone : 09 87 01 34 48

Notre Emplacement